So… I’m going quite a bit Post Edwardian on this one (Art Deco Era in fact), but I just had to share!
I love this couple!! More than that, I love the love they shared! How could I possibly have any idea of their adoration for one another you may ask? Well, let me just tell you. Storytime…A few years ago I was in an antique shop with my sister and there was this basket full of old photographs. I don’t tend to purchase photographs but this particular day I was drawn to this basket and happened upon this dark folded cardboard photo frame. Enclosed was a lovely couple.
The warm eyes of the kind-looking man and the elegance of his regal wife and I was smitten.I couldn’t help but make up a story in my mind about them. His name was Samuel, but all who knew him called him Sam. He was a well-to-do businessman and he doted on his wife (who I decided was called Katherine).
Aesthetically, I loved that they were well preserved enclosed in this embossed cardboard frame and I also liked the metallic sheen of the photos. Needless to say, I put them away with my albums and didn’t think of them for some time.
Years later, while writing on the back of one of my children’s photos I was sending to my mother, it hit me! I wonder if Sam or Katherine wrote behind their photos? So, I pulled out the cardboard frame and carefully slipped Katherine out of her paper corners…nope, not a thing was written. Skeptically, I continued on to Sam’s photograph……and then and there I discovered Sam was not Sam at all! He was Ralph!

One little peek at the
Reverse side will narrow
the Chasm that may
us Divide, and will Cause
Our Love Thoughts to
revive so our wonderful
Love will never die.
My Greatest Best and Only,
Love Goodbye
Until we meet again,
Always Your Ralph
June 11-27.
“A. Hero’s Return.”
Honestly, Ralph couldn’t be more romantic! I just love LOVE! I could eat it with a spoon! Do you have any romantic stories from the Roaring ’20s to share or have you ever come across any surprises written on the back of an old photograph? Please tell me all about it below!
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Also, if you are as fascinated with the Art Deco era as I am, please check out these awesome books!